Home » Rise and Fall of Joho’s Family Business Empire

Rise and Fall of Joho’s Family Business Empire

by Sauti Media
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The rise and fall of the Joho Family Empire has taken a dramatic turn. Once a powerful force in Mombasa’s business landscape, the family is now facing a series of challenges.

Recently, leases and contracts worth billions linked to the Mombasa port were cancelled, signaling a threat to their business empire.Audit queries have compounded the situation, casting doubt on the legitimacy of contract awards. Interestingly, the government has shifted its focus by awarding port contracts to other individuals, a departure from the past practice of favoring Hassan Joho.

The impact is evident as cabinet secretary Kipchumba Murkomen advertised new port contracts, effectively excluding the Joho family businesses. The government nominated three companies to handle over 1.1 million metric tons of cargo bound for South Sudan, breaking the monopoly previously held by Joho’s family firm, Autoport Freight Terminals Ltd.

Further challenges arise as the Kenya Revenue Authority alleges tax evasion running into billions of shillings within the Joho family business empire. Amidst these allegations, it has emerged that a logistics firm associated with the family secured a contract under questionable circumstances in 2018.

The Kenyan Railways Corporation (KRC) declined the family’s request for favorable lease terms at the Nairobi Freight Terminal, citing the nature of the concession rules. KRC stated that waivers were meant for new facilities, not existing ones like the Joho-linked firm.

These developments reflect a significant decline in the Joho Family Empire’s influence, marked by lost contracts, tax controversies, and challenges to securing favorable terms.

Rise and Fall of Joho's Family Business Supremacy

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