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30% Fare Increase in Kenya: How Will Kenyans Be Affected?

by Sauti Media
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Kenyans, who are already struggling with the rising cost of life, are outraged at the recent 30% fare increase. The increase is a reaction to the most recent increase in fuel costs, which increased by as much as 7.4%.

All PSVs, including matatus, buses, and taxis, would see a 30% fare jump. It is anticipated that it will further burden Kenyans’ already-stretched financial resources.

On July 1, 2023, the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) made the price rise for petrol official. Numerous variables, such as the growing price of crude oil and the depreciation of the Kenyan shilling, were cited as the causes of the surge.

For PSVs in Kenya, the 30% fare increase is the second in a row. PSVs increased their tariffs by 20% in April 2023 in response to an earlier rise in gasoline prices.

The administration has acknowledged that it is aware of how the fee increase will affect Kenyans and that it is attempting to find methods to lessen those consequences. What steps the government will take is not yet known.

Meanwhile, Kenyans will likely have to pay more for transportation, which will make their already heavy financial burden even heavier.

How Will Kenyans Be Affected by the Fare Hike?

Given that Kenyans are already trying to keep up with rising living expenses, the 30% fare increase is expected to have a substantial effect on them. The increase will increase the cost of travel for Kenyans, which could have a variety of secondary repercussions.

For instance, getting to work, school, and other crucial appointments may be more challenging for Kenyans as a result of the hike. Additionally, it might make it more challenging for Kenyans to obtain necessary commodities and services.

The economy is also probably to suffer as a result of the fare increase. Consumer spending may decline as a result of the increase, which would impede economic expansion.

How Can Kenyans Reduce the Impacts of the Fare Increase?

Kenyans can take a number of actions to lessen the effects of the fee increase. These consist of:

Carpooling: Sharing a ride with a friend or two can help you save money on transportation. You can split the expense of petrol and tolls with other people by riding in a carpool.
Walking or bicycling can help you save money if you live close to your place of employment or educational institution. This is a fantastic method to exercise while still saving money.
Taking public transit: Another strategy to reduce your traveling expenditures is to use public transportation. Public transportation may occasionally be more affordable than carpooling, walking, or biking.
Negotiating a reduced fee with your employer: If you work for a company that offers transportation benefits, you may be able to do so.
The Future of Kenya’s Transportation

The 30% fare increase serves as a reminder of Kenya’s transportation difficulties. The nation relies significantly on public transit, and the system is under stress as a result of the rising cost of fuel.

Kenya will need to develop strategies to increase access to and affordability of transportation in the future. This can entail making investments in the infrastructure of public transit, such buses and railways. It might also entail creating new modes of transportation, including electric vehicles and bicycles.

Kenya needs to wake up after the 30% fee increase. In order to prevent the rising cost of petroleum from further straining the economy and the population, the nation must develop ways to make transportation more accessible and inexpensive.

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