Home » President Ruto cautions the Corrupt Government officials

President Ruto cautions the Corrupt Government officials

by Sauti Media
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President William Ruto has issued a stern caution to government officials who remain entangled in corrupt practices, urging them to reform their behavior.

Addressing attendees at the Devolution Conference held in Uasin Gishu County, the Head of State emphasized that individuals implicated in financial mismanagement must face severe repercussions for their actions.

“I anticipate swift action from the concerned agencies to address instances of corruption at the county level. I want to propose to this conference that we possess a remedy to eradicate inadequate governance and inefficiency within counties,” he articulated.

“Business cannot continue as usual. Anyone found responsible for financial mismanagement should bear the punitive consequences of their conduct.”

Ruto further asserted that the definitive remedy for eradicating corruption lies in the realm of digitalization and automation. He urged all leaders to embark on a journey towards integrating digital solutions into their operations.

President William Ruto has issued a stern caution to government officials who remain entangled in corrupt practices, urging them to reform their behavior.
President William Ruto has issued a stern caution to government officials who remain entangled in corrupt practices, urging them to reform their behavior.

“Our commitment extends to supporting all county governments in their pursuit of digitalizing their services. In addition, I have directed the relevant department to collaborate closely with the counties, aligning with our legal obligations,” he declared.

The president also underlined that leaders, irrespective of their political affiliations, were chosen by the Kenyans, to serve their interests and deliver essential services. He emphatically stated that the misuse of public funds for personal gain is unacceptable.

“I stand accountable to the Kenyan people, who elected me to safeguard their financial resources and taxes. Our responsibility demands transparency and responsible financial management. Every allocation must be utilized judiciously. Corruption will find no refuge,” he affirmed.

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