Home » Kyandu Bright Academy Joins Forces with Elimu Tree Movement

Kyandu Bright Academy Joins Forces with Elimu Tree Movement

by Sauti Media
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In a world where environmental conservation is becoming increasingly crucial, the Kyandu Bright Academy stands out as a beacon of hope and action.

In a world where environmental conservation is becoming increasingly crucial, the Kyandu Bright Academy stands out as a beacon of hope and action. Today marked a significant milestone for the academy as it enthusiastically participated in the Elimu Tree Movement, an initiative aimed at fostering a greener world for generations to come.

At the forefront of this noble endeavor were the vibrant and eager 7th grade pupils, representing the junior school of Kyandu Bright Academy. Guided by their dedicated teachers, and under the watchful eyes of esteemed representatives from the Ministry of Education, Kangundo sub-county director Mr. Abdi Salat, and quality assurance officer Mr. George Njimu, the students embarked on a mission to make a tangible difference in their environment.

Kyandu Bright Academy Joins Forces with Elimu Tree Movement

Central to the success of this initiative was the generous contribution of over 200 seedlings by the school director, Mr. Timothy. His unwavering support and commitment to environmental sustainability exemplify the ethos of Kyandu Bright Academy. With ample land at their disposal, the academy is poised to accommodate even more plants, welcoming any entity keen on participating in similar programs.

Kyandu Bright Academy proudly champions the Going Green plan, recognizing the urgency of addressing environmental challenges. Through initiatives like the Elimu Tree Movement, the academy not only educates its students but also empowers them to become proactive stewards of the planet.

As the sun set on this memorable day, the grounds of Kyandu Bright Academy bore witness to more than just the planting of trees; they witnessed the planting of hope, responsibility, and a brighter future. Together, with determination and collective effort, Kyandu Bright Academy is paving the way towards a greener, more sustainable tomorrow.

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