Home » Kathiani-Kathiani-Kangundo Thwake Bridge: Tale of Perilous Roads

Kathiani-Kathiani-Kangundo Thwake Bridge: Tale of Perilous Roads

by Sauti Media
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The Kathiani-Kangundo Thwake Bridge, has become a symbol of frustration and inconvenience for the local residents and road users. Despite purported repair works, the bridge remains in a deplorable condition, leaving the community in dismay. The situation has been exacerbated by an inexplicable two-month drying-off period, and the contractor’s apparent disregard for the safety of the diversionary routes they provided.

One alternative route, the Kamwanyani- Kiu road, has become a nightmare for motorists. Treacherous conditions and unexpected encounters have turned what should be a detour into a hazardous journey. One unfortunate individual shared their harrowing experience, recounting an incident where their car was pelted with stones by unidentified assailants near Kiu town. The outcome was a shattered windshield and a vow never to traverse that route again.

Meanwhile, the diversion road passing under the incomplete bridge presents an even grimmer picture. The steep uphill climb has caused damage to vehicles, with one motorist admitting to a broken exhaust pipe. Sadly, poor safety measures on the part of the contractor allegedly led to the tragic loss of a middle-aged life just a month ago.

Interestingly, it appears that the only missing piece of the puzzle is the railing of the bridge. Such a seemingly minor detail could make all the difference in ensuring the safety of the people who must navigate these treacherous routes daily.

Desperate for a solution, residents and road users have turned to their local leaders, including Kathiani and Kangundo MPs, imploring them to intervene. Their goal is to push for more efficient service delivery and better management of the optional routes. The urgency of their plea is further heightened by the looming El Niño rains, which have the potential to wreak havoc on these already fragile roads.

Kathiani-Thwake Bridge

In conclusion, the sorry state of the Kathiani-Kangundo Thwake Bridge and its associated diversionary routes is a glaring example of the need for better oversight in infrastructure projects. The safety and convenience of the people who rely on these vital pathways should always be a top priority. It is our hope that the authorities and contractors will heed the calls for action before more lives are put at risk and the community’s frustration escalates further.

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