Home » Kyamwilu: The Gravity-Defying Hill of Machakos

Kyamwilu: The Gravity-Defying Hill of Machakos

by Sauti Media
2 comments 4 minutes read

In the Machakos county of Kenya, there is a hill that defies the laws of gravity known as Kyamwilu, or Kituluni Hill. This mysterious spot has long been a source of fascination for locals and tourists alike.

The phenomenon is said to occur when water is poured onto the road at the top of the hill. Instead of flowing downhill, the water will actually flow uphill. Cars that are placed in neutral gear on the hill will also start to roll uphill.


There are a few explanations for this phenomenon. One theory is that it is due to an optical illusion. The lay of the land and the surrounding landscape create the illusion that the downhill slope is actually an uphill slope. Another theory is that there is a magnetic field at the top of the hill that is causing the water and cars to move uphill.

Whatever the explanation, Kyamwilu is a fascinating place to visit. It is a reminder that there are still many mysteries in the world that we do not yet understand.

History of Kyamwilu

The name Kyamwilu comes from the Akamba word “kyaume,” which means “the place of men.” This is because the hill was once a sacred site for the Akamba people. They believed that the hill was inhabited by spirits, and that it was a place of power.


In the early 1900s, a British colonial officer named John Boyes visited Kyamwilu. He was intrigued by the hill, and he conducted some experiments to try to explain the phenomenon of this hill that defies the laws of gravity. Boyes concluded that the water was flowing uphill due to an optical illusion.

Visiting Kyamwilu

Kyamwilu is located about 10 kilometers from the town of Machakos. The hill is easily accessible by car, and there is a small parking area by the site.

There is no admission fee to visit Kyamwilu, but there are a few local people who charge a small fee to demonstrate the gravity-defying phenomenon, about ksh.200. They will pour water onto the road and place a car in neutral gear. The water and car will then start to roll uphill.

Kyamwilu is a popular tourist destination, and it is a great place to visit if you are looking for something unusual and off-the-beaten-path. Whether you believe in the magic of Kyamwilu or not, it is a fascinating place to visit and experience for yourself.

Tips for Visiting Kyamwilu

  • Visit Kyamwilu during the dry season, as the water will not flow uphill if it is raining.
  • Bring a camera to capture the gravity-defying phenomenon.
  • Be respectful of the local people and their culture.
  • Should you need someone to direct you properly, call+254733566667


Kyamwilu is a fascinating place that is full of mystery. Whether you believe in the magic of the hill or not, it is a great place to visit and experience for yourself and experience a hill that defies the laws of gravity.

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